Ayrshire Potato Cups

Cooks In
Cooking Time 25 mins


16 medium Scotty Brand Ayrshire Potatoes
120g diced unsalted butter.
Sea salt.
1 pack of Scotty Brand Smoked salmon.
200g cream cheese.
6 red breakfast radishes (washed, dried, topped and tailed).
1 tbsp creamed horseradish (from a jar).
4 spring onions thinly sliced.
2 tbsp of chives snipped with scissors.

Sea salt and Pepper.


  1. Cut the potatoes in half lengthwise and carefully scoop out their centres with a small melon baller.

  2. Put the halved potatoes into a suitable sized pot along with the butter and a pinch of sea salt. Add cold water to the potatoes so they are just covered and no more. Put the pot onto a medium high heat and simmer the potatoes until they are nicely tender. Approx. 20mins.

  3. Allow the potatoes to cool in the buttery water then carefully lift them onto a clean plate ready to be filled.

  4. Tip the cream cheese into a mixing bowl and gently soften it with the back of a wooden spoon.

  5. Grate the radish on a cheese grater and add it to the cream cheese. Add the horseradish and the spring onions along with a pinch of salt and a twist of pepper – gently mix all the ingredients to combine evenly.

  6. Use a clean teaspoon to fill each scooped potato half neatly and generously. When all the potatoes are filled cover them with ribbons of Scotty Brand smoked salmon and then finally sprinkle them with the snipped chives.

  7. Transfer the filled and topped Ayrshire potatoes to a clean serving plate ready to be eaten!

Creator, Stevie McLaughlin of Restaurant Andrew Fairlie, says: “The cool cream cheese and smoked salmon really complements the flavour of the Ayrshire potato and the radish and horseradish create a little bit of fire bringing a more spice and heat to each bite. Enjoy!” 


Skin-on Potato & Chorizo Hash

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