Scotch Broth Soup

Cooks In
Cooking Time 1hr


Scotty Brand Scotch Broth Mix (1 pack)
1 lamb shank
1 bay leaf
A few fresh thyme leaves
2tbsp freshly chopped parsley
Salt and finely ground pepper


  1. Place the lamb shank into a pan with cold water. Bring it to a simmer and skim off the surface residue.

  2. Add the bay leaf and thyme, then leave to simmer for around an hour.

  3. Add the Scotch Broth mix, return it to the boil, and then simmer for a further 45 minutes.

  4. Carefully remove the lamb shank from the pan, set it aside and remove the meat from the bone.

  5. Take out the bay leaf and thyme, and discard.

  6. Add the meat to the soup mix and heat through. Sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley and serve with chunky bread rolls.

Variation: if you don’t have the time to cook with meat on the bone, simply mix in 850ml of stock. Scotch Broth traditionally uses lamb or mutton stock, but beef, chicken or vegetable stock would work just as well. Alternatively, try Scotty Brand’s prepared fresh Scotch Broth soup.


Slow Cooker Lentil, Carrot, and Potato Soup

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