Upside down Cherry Cake

Cooks In
Cooking Time 45mins


230g Unsalted butter (softened)
250g Scotty Brand Cherries (pitted & halved)
40g Flaked Almonds
220g Runny Honey
100g Golden Caster Sugar
100g Ground Almonds
120g Self Raising Flour
4 Large Eggs


  1. Pre-heat oven to 160C/Gas 4.

  2. Line a cake tin with baking paper, Put the cut cherries (cutside down) in the tin and sprinkle half the flaked almonds between the cherries.

  3. Add all remaining ingredients into a mixing bowl with the exception of the flaked almonds. Whisk together until combined well and the mix is fluffy and creamy. Then mix in the remainder of the flaked almonds by hand.

  4. Pour the mix into the tin over the cherries,. Place in the centre of the pre-heated oven and bake for 45 mins.

  5. Allow to cool for 10 mins then remove from the tin and flip over onto a tray/plate. Finally drizzle some honey over the top.

  6. Serve with fresh cream or a scoop of ice cream & enjoy!

This recipe was created & photographed by @Perthshire Foodie 



Strawberry Ice Lolly
Cherry, Halloumi & Avocado Salad

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